Universal Carbon Prefilter fits most Air Cleaners (cut to fit) 16x48 '
Sheet: Bionaire air filter models SH1240, SH1260, SH1840, (A1000-C) SH0840 (AO802-C) BT400, BT500, BT500S, BT501, BT600,BT700, BT750, BT1000, BT2001, M-300, CH-3550, CH-3580, LC0760, LC078, LC1060, LC1460, AU0860, AU1560, AU2560, Duracraft models DA3006, DA3016, DA5000C, DA5010, DA5018, DA5020, DA5030, 32-83134, 155, 176, 231, 235, 236, 237, Enviracaire / Honeywell models10000, 11000, 12000, 13000, 14000, 17000, 18000, 40000, 50000, 60000, series (38002). Carbon prefilters help eliminate odors from smoking, cooking, pets, athletic equipment, and other household odors.
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